Personal Development in sales and Managing customer service

  • March 30, 2022 - March 31, 2022
  • 10:00 am
  • Lagos, Nigeria

The importance of a person’s  initial and continuing academic and Professional skill development has become widely accepted in our society and  in fact all over the world in this  21st century.  Organizations now see Professionalism and Management Development as essential pre-requisite  to effective competitive strategy as well as being an important tool in recruiting and re-training employees.  This means that Professionalism as a career and skill development now occupies central place in every organization and establishment.


  1. To create a rich learning lectures in Sales and Marketing Management Profession
  2. To expand understanding of oral growth in Sales and Marketing Management  capabilities
  3. To develop personal strategies to meet Sales and Marketing Management challenges of the 21st Century
  4. Examine models of quality in Sales and Marketing Management for competitive advantage
  5. To generate ideas and insights so as to increases Organisational Sales and Marketing Management capability and capacity building
  6. To help practicing Managers and those aspiring to be Sales and Marketing Management Managers to participate  in a  process covering Sales and Marketing Management profession
  7. To help square up the process of Professionalism in Sales and Marketing Management
  8. To equip Practitioners become decision makers on their chosen career/profession.
  9. To be an information HOB on Sales and Marketing Management to the government and the public
  10. Above all to become a strategies THINK THANK for the Development of Economic growth through Sales and Marketing Management Perspective.


  • Business executives
  • Client service
  • Fresh graduates
  • Managers
  • Insurance executives
  • Regional representatives
  • Human resources and
  • Admin managers
  • Frontline officers
  • Account Officers
  • General managers
  • Bank Managers.
2022-3-30 10:00 2022-3-31 Europe/London Personal Development in sales and Managing customer service The importance of a person’s  initial and continuing academic and Professional skill development has become widely accepted in our society and  in fact all over the world in this  21st century.  Organizations now see Professionalism and Management Development as essential pre-requisite  to effective competitive strategy as well as being an important tool in recruiting and re-training employees.  Lagos, Nigeria
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